A special moment in the life of our club, when we have as our guest speaker - Mark Lane who is the Mayor of City of Whitehorse
Mark updated us on the new representational structure of the Council, there are now 11 wards with one elected councillor for each ward. Mark represents Mahoneys Ward but was here today as Mayor to speak about current and recently completed Council projects. Mark has previously served our City as Mayor in 2012.
Guest Speaker – Dr Tiffani Howell, Senior Research Fellow in the School of Psychology and Public Health at La Trobe University.
Tiffini recently completed a four year study funded by the Commonwealth Department of Veterans’ Affairs, to understand the effectiveness of assistance dogs as an adjunct to treatment for veterans with PTSD.
Tiffani began by clarifying the definition of an assistance animal (usually a dog...there is one assistance cat on the books in Queensland!)