Notices from Club members included:
· John Elrington – upgrade of the vegie patches at Blackburn Primary has been completed before the kids return to school. This was done by a contractor following receipt of funds from the Club and a District Grant.
· Geoff Rose – thanks to Mark, David, Bruce, Amanda for their support in unravelling the mysteries of the Consumer Affairs Victoria reporting and compliance responsibilities which every Club Secretary has so much fun with
· Kath Ronan – reported that 16 Club members/partners have signed up to attend the District conference in Canberra in March
· Malcolm Chiverton - reported on the takings from the Farmers Market on 10 January... $2035 from the stall holders, $760 in donations and $392 from the BBQ. Those attending agreed that attendance was down but there were also many fewer4 stall holders than usual.
· Tony Stokes – reminded those in the room that copies of Tracy Balla’s excellent little book, “Cycling Together”, were available at the desk.
· Diane Fisher – brought the program for the upcoming Rotary International Women’s Day event on Wed 8 March to members’ attention. Speakers include, Hayley Dureau, a highly regarded STEM teacher, Mikaela Stafrace from Women Can, and Dr Helen Szoke AO, former CEO of Oxfam Australia. We’re hoping for 250+ attendees at this year’s breakfast and Diane encouraged members to book early.
· Mark Balla – reported that the long awaited project in India with the Nasik Road Club is underway. Photos will follow at next week’s meeting.
· Robyn Stokes – a reminder that free Club hoodies will need to be booked through Robyn before 31 January.