Every month, there is a designation to each of the clubs who jointly own and operate the Whitehorse Farmers Market - it is an even split of the net proceeds and the allocation accumulates until each club makes a decision for the expenditure of the funds that have been allocated to the club to spend.  Spending must be within the guidelines of the operation of the Whitehorse Farmers Market.
When our Board last met, the following gifting decisions were made:
  • Decision to offer co-funding to Rotaractors to attend IWD breakfast on 8 March 2023
  • Further funding for Wattle Hill Community Garden
  • A Rotary-branded plaque to be placed at Blackburn Primary School around the revamped kitchen garden
  • Donations in principle towards a range of international humanitarian needs including Rotarian efforts in:
    • The Ukraine,
    • Pakistan Floods response
    • Turkey and Syria Earthquake relief