9 Aug 2024
Hello $NICK_NAME$ 
I am writing to our members a little earlier than usual. Some hot off the press "good news" worth celebrating. 
Firstly, congratulations to Bianca and Jake on arrival of Imara.  
Secondly, Rotary Club of Box Hill Central has been selected to participate in the Regional Council Fit for Purpose program. The agreement will be signed on Wednesday by Secretary Liz, President Elect Wendy and myself. To understand the rollout please watch this webinar
Look out and welcome our guests this Wednesday, Davide de Micheli, International Programs Manager at International Needs Australia, guest of Wendy Zhang, Tanya Anderson, and  Pat Wilson, from Community Employment Partnerships.
Robyn Stokes 24/25 President
Join our meetings
Wednesdays 7:15 for 7:30-8:30am
Best Western plus Tudor
1101 Whitehorse Rd
Box Hill
or online
Zoom Meeting ID: 896 8096 1265
Passcode: 391493
Aug 14.   Dr Andrew Catford CEO International Needs Australia 
              Collaboration with OTA in Ethiopia and Nepal.
Aug 21.   Matthew Gibney and RICON 24 & Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract Convention 
Aug 28.   Stephen Fisher - my second career with the Army Reserve.
              Diane Fisher - Timor Leste garden update.
"We are thrilled to share the news that our daughter, Imara, was born on Monday 5th August at 3:27pm, weighing 3.27kg. 
She's healthy and doing well, and we are loving getting to know her.  Imara has Swahili roots and means ‘strong’, 'firm' and 'stable'. It's a link to Kenya for me, a meaning we hope helps her and we loved the sound of her name too."
We congratulate Bianca and Jake on Imara's arrival. 
Great to have Allanah Vidic-Wirth, one of our two sponsored RYLA#24 leaders attend our meeting with her cheer squad of other RYLA leaders and participants. Some are pictured - yes, there were more! Great to have every body join us. 
Wendy, Tony & Robyn enjoyed the DG Partners fundraising dinner for Monash Children Cancer Centre. $8,000 was raised on the night! Clubs were encouraged to purchase a case of 10 Rotary TJ Bears. Nine clubs took up the challenge including RCBHC. You can also purchase your own Rotary TJ Bear, in memory of Leanne Byron's late brother, TJ. 
The screening at Rosebud was a sellout!
Mornington Rotary is proud to have supported the production and premiere  of “The Ranch”, a 30-minute documentary and insight into the extent and challenges of homelessness on the Mornington Peninsula.
To view a trailer of the video please click here
To view the full video please click here
You will be asked for a small donation. This online viewing is only available until the end of August. Invest this Homelessness Week. 
Members encouraged to consider attending the Rotary international Convention #25 in Calgary Canada.      register and pay in full by 15 December 2024, before prices increase. 

Please advise any changes/swaps or regular inabilities to Greg Cooper greg@cnre.com.au

AUGUST:  Desk: Greg Cooper, Time Greenham.    Hybrid: John Malvestuto


 Aug 14 Gay Morris.  Aug 21 Tony Stokes. Aug 28 Ashley C-B

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